Admission Planning

  • What are the rights and responsibilities of people participating in this program? How does the program inform the individual of these? Can I have a copy?
  • How does the program decide whom to admit?
  • How will the program obtain the medical and other records needed to make this decision?
  • Can I get a proposed service or treatment plan before I decide? If so, how?
  • How do you involve the person's current program or service in the admission and transition process?
  • What will the program be required to do prior to admission? How long will that take? What must I do?
  • How can I arrange to spend a half-day or day observing the program?
  • What is your understanding of the role my funding source has in the decision making process about the program I select?
  • What forms or contracts am I expected to sign prior to admission? How can I get a copy of each to read thoroughly before I sign?


© LMA 2005, 2651 Observatory Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45208
Phone: 513-871-8900  Fax: 513-871-9099